Just in case you thought I was having a good ‘talk with nature’ in a hole in the rock in the picture above. Take another look – I’ve still got my pants on!!! I guess if I was – I must be damm good cuz my pants are still clean…anyways…
I’m very lazy when I want to be, so for the past probably 6 months I haven’t written anything for the blog. Well I guess you could now call it fashionably late or something (don’t ask me about all those “chick terms” )
I’m not gonna bore you with my life history, even though there isn’t much of it because I’m only 16, but I’m alive and kicking so that’s all that matters.i’m about to get the top award in Scouting the Springbok Badge. I guess I’m just a kick ass biker chick…ok that’s a ‘LIL exaggerated, but I do ride a motorbike.
Why do I wanna climb kili… just because I can! Another reason I suppose is because of one of favourites quotes at the moment.
“Piglet sidled up to Pooh from behind.
"Pooh!" he whispered.
"Yes, Piglet?"
"Nothing," said Piglet, taking Pooh's paw. "I just wanted to be sure of you." “
I guess I just wanna make sure that its there. (you know how things can be digitally enhanced these days?)
Ok I’m starting to talk nonsense now but I suppose the rest of the team knows that always do. I better go to sleep... because it’s less than 50 sleepies til I leave!!!