Hi, I'm Andrew; that's me standing at the top of the Glacier de Grande Motte in Tignes in the Frech Alps where I went snowboarding earlier this year (please don't tell my Mom I was standing next to the crevace.) I was a Scout at Third Pinelands until the begining of 2000 when I moved to London where I am still living. I absolutely love it in London but there is a distinct lack of mountains to climb so I thought I'd try Kili instead!
There are three reasons for me being so keen to climb Kilimanjaro; the first is that, like Thomas, my Father climbed Kili about 27 years ago and it turns out we will be doing the same root he did, so I will literally be following in my Fathers footsteps.
Secondly I was born in Zambia but we left for SA when I was three and a half and I have never been back to central(ish) Africa since.
And thirdly no-one else on my photography course will have a picture in their portfolio of the sun rising over Africa taken from the top of Kilimajaro.
I am looking forward to meeting the rest of the team in January and I would like to thank Thomas for all his hard work in organising the trip and Sandra for setting up the blog.
P.S. Although I grew up in SA I will officially be representing England on this expedition (and I don't care how rubbish we were in the rugby last week we're still World Champions)